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Pairing type is one of the toughest parts to get right in a web design project, and having tons of custom fonts at our fingertips doesn’t make things any easier.


If you’re just at the start of your journey to web typography mastery, it’s likely that reading something along the lines of…


The Display and its Stencil are monolinear … but they radiate great rhythm and warmth, with a touch of handwriting.


– by Laura Meseguer

– Laura Meseguer的

… will probably make as much sense to you as wine tasting does to a teetotaler.


Font selection is more an art than a science. Therefore, reading about typography, individual typefaces and foundries goes hand in hand with lots of practice. However — as Tim Brown says in his guide — “practice can take an unreasonable amount of time if you’re not careful” (p.38). In the meantime, the website you are working on makes immediate demands on your budding typography skills. You need to come up with a great solution, and do it quickly.

字体选择更多的是一门艺术,而不是一门科学。 因此,阅读字体,各种字体和铸造厂与许多实践息息相关。 但是,正如蒂姆·布朗(Tim Brown)在其《 指南》中所说的那样,“如果不小心,练习可能会花费不合理的时间”(第38页)。 同时,您正在使用的网站立即要求您崭露头角的排版技能。 您需要提出一个很好的解决方案,并Swift进行。

In this article, you’ll find plenty of online resources that will complement your learning about web typography and help you come up with beautiful type combinations.


You’ll also learn how some of the services listed below let you test the browser rendering of your chosen fonts and offer hassle-free ways of including them in your project.


大字体组合 (Great Typeface Combos)

Browsing websites with good combinations of typefaces is a great way to develop an eye for how typefaces work together and in which contexts they’re being used. Check out the resources below for some great examples.

浏览具有良好字体组合的网站是一种了解字体如何协同工作以及在何种上下文中使用它们的好方法。 请查看以下资源,获取一些出色的示例。

Google字体配对功能 (Google Fonts Pairings Feature)

is not just a service for picking custom fonts. It’s also a place where you can learn more about your chosen typeface, including suggestions on a number of typefaces that work well with it.

不只是一种选择自定义字体的服务。 在这里,您还可以了解有关所选字体的更多信息,包括有关许多与之配合使用的字体的建议。

When you select a typeface on Google Fonts, click on the small Pop out button to the bottom right of the font’s container box.


Google Fonts Pop out button.

Next, click on the Pairings tab and you’ll see examples of how your selection is paired on the web with other typefaces.

接下来,单击“ 配对”选项卡,您将看到有关如何将所选内容与其他字体在网络上配对的示例。

Although I like this resource, in my view it doesn’t say much about the context in which the suggested pairings are used. For instance, what kind of websites use Open Sans and Roboto together? Are they text-heavy websites like news sites and blogs? Are they image-focused websites like a photography portfolio site? Which page elements use Open Sans and which ones use Roboto?

尽管我喜欢此资源,但在我看来,它并没有过多说明使用建议的配对的上下文。 例如,什么样的网站同时使用Open Sans和Roboto? 它们是文本繁重的网站,例如新闻网站和博客吗? 它们是像摄影作品集网站那样以图像为中心的网站吗? 哪些页面元素使用Open Sans,哪些页面元素使用Roboto?

This is super helpful information when it comes to selecting type combinations, and in order to find it we have to look elsewhere.


美丽的网页类型 (Beautiful Web Type)

showcases a selection of typefaces from Google Fonts.


Typeface combinations on Beautiful Web Type.

The examples are a bit generic – they’re not taken from real websites with specific goals and strategies. That said, the website shows off its typeface selections in beautifully designed sections. Notice how text hierarchy, font weights and styles, all play a part in making the text more readable and conveying the appropriate mood.

这些示例有些通用-并非取自具有特定目标和策略的真实网站。 也就是说,该网站在设计精美的部分中展示了其字体选择。 请注意,文本层次结构,字体粗细和样式在使文本更具可读性和传达适当的心情方面都发挥了作用。

Google Web字体排版项目 (Google Web Fonts Typography Project)

Another inspirational collection of typeface combinations from Google Fonts is on the website.


Font pairings from the Google Web Fonts Typography Project website.

The designs on this website are beautiful illustrations of type pairings and their uses on the web. As the project’s on the GitHub repo says:

该网站上的设计精美地展示了类型配对及其在网络上的用途。 正如GitHub 上的项目所述:

The primary goal is to communicate, not decorate.


典型值 (Typ.io)

gives you tons of information on trendy typography designs and an up-to-date range of websites with well paired typefaces.


Main screen in Typ.io website.

Not only will you see matching typefaces, but you will also get a sense of the role type plays in the design of real websites – which typeface is used for headings, which one for body copy, the font selection the designer has made for a certain kind of website, e.g., portfolio, blog, marketing, etc. In fact, you can search websites by industry, typeface, and font service.


Search box in Typ.io website.

Finally, click on the image with your favorite typeface combination, and you’ll get the CSS code and the links to the services where you can purchase or download the font files.


使用中的字体 (Fonts In Use)

is another popular resource offering a wide collection of typefaces that work well together, taken from real websites.


Its impressive search functionality lets you browse the typography archive by:


  • industries

  • formats

  • typefaces

Search options on Fonts in Use website.

To stress the point, showing how type works on websites from a variety of industries and contexts is crucial to developing an eye for good typesetting decisions.


交互式类型配对工具 (Interactive Type Pairing Tools)

The resources I’m going to list below will ask for your input in the search for the perfect type combination. Be it a way of testing typefaces or simply making a selection and waiting for a number of suitable matches, these tools are interactive and fun to use.

我将在下面列出的资源将在搜索最佳类型组合时要求您输入。 这些工具是测试字体的一种方法,还是简单地进行选择并等待许多合适的匹配项的方法,它们都是交互式的且使用起来很有趣。

打字呼吸 (Typespiration)

Typeface combinations from Typespiration.

The beauty of is that it lets you browse different designs showcasing beautiful free fonts and color palettes.


If you click on any of the designs, you’ll have the option to:


  • Preview a close-up of the design. If you click the Baseline grid button on the top right you can also check how the text sits on the baseline grid:

    预览设计的特写。 如果单击右上角的“ 基线网格”按钮,您还可以检查文本在基线网格上的位置:

    Preview screen on the Typespiration website.

    Preview a close-up of the design. If you click the Baseline grid button on the top right you can also check how the text sits on the baseline grid:

    预览设计的特写。 如果单击右上角的“ 基线网格”按钮,您还可以检查文本在基线网格上的位置:

  • Learn about the fonts and colors used in the design:


    Fonts and colors screen on Typespiration website.

    Learn about the fonts and colors used in the design:


  • Copy and paste the HTML and CSS code you need to recreate the design in your project:


    Quick use screen in Typespiration website.

    Copy and paste the HTML and CSS code you need to recreate the design in your project:


字体对 (Font Pair)

Font Pair website.

allows you to browse typeface combinations on the basis of a number of filters:


  • Sans serif/serif – the title will use a sans serif typeface, body copy a serif one. Serif letterforms have small flourishes on the end of each character, sans serif ones don’t.

    无衬线/衬线 -标题将使用无衬线字体,正文复制为衬线。 衬线字体在每个字符的末尾都有小小的繁荣,无衬线字体没有。

  • Serif/sans serif – serif for the title, sans serif for the body copy.

    衬线/无衬线 -标题为衬线,正文为无衬线。

  • Sans serif/sans serif – sans serif typefaces for both title and body copy.

    无衬线/无衬线 –标题和正文均无衬线字体。

  • Cursive/sans serif – cursive for the title, sans serif for the body copy. Cursive typefaces have a handwriting style, which suits titles and logos but is best avoided for body copy.

    草书/无衬线 -标题为草书,正文无衬线。 草书字体具有手写风格,适合标题和徽标,但最好避免使用正文复制。

  • Cursive/serif – cursive for the title, serif for body copy.

    草书/衬线 –草书的标题,衬线的正文。

  • Serif/serif – serif typefaces for both title and body copy.

    衬线/衬线 –用于标题和正文的衬线字体。

Filtering capabilities at work on the Font Pair website.

If you have already decided on a typeface and you’re looking for a suitable match, just enter its name in the search box at the top of the page. The website will display a list of suggestions using your selection:

如果您已经确定要使用某种字体,则在页面顶部的搜索框中输入其名称即可。 该网站将根据您的选择显示建议列表:

Searching capability on the Font Pair website.

One more cool thing you can do here is replace the sample text with your own. This is great for testing how your selected combination works with your website’s content:

您可以在此处执行的另一项很酷的操作是用您自己的示例文本替换。 这对于测试所选组合与网站内容的工作方式非常有用:

Editable content on the Font Pair website.

天才型 (Type Genius)

Type Genius, typeface pairing website.

is a smart service that lets you find great matches for your chosen typeface.


Just select a font and click the View Matches button.


View Matches button on Type Genius website.

Type Genius will show you a page with:

Type Genius将显示以下页面:

  • Suggested pairings using your selected typeface.

  • Links to the websites using the suggested pairings.

  • Editable title and body text to experiment with your choice of typeface.

  • Links to the service where you can download the font files.

Results page of Type Genius website.

字体组合器 (Font Combinator)

Font Combinator website.

is a powerful online tool, great for browsing matching combinations of typefaces designed by Typotheque, a type foundry and design studio in the Netherlands.


You can choose typefaces from the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic character sets. A select box lets you browse font pairings using various keywords such as Elegant, Classic, Trendy, etc. You can fully edit the text on display, adjust the styles of the selected typeface, and drag any typeface listed to the right of the page on to the display area for testing.

您可以从拉丁文,希腊文和西里尔文字符集中选择字体。 使用选择框,您可以使用各种关键字(例如Elegant,Classic,Trendy等)浏览字体配对。您可以完全编辑显示的文本,调整所选字体的样式,并拖动页面右侧列出的任何字体。到显示区域进行测试。

Adobe Typekit组合 (Adobe Typekit Combos)

Adobe Typekit Combos website.

by is a nifty tool, still in beta, that lets you select a Typekit font and finds matching fonts for you.


Once you make your selection and click the View button, this tool displays a list of suggested matching Webkit fonts and a link to a number of websites where you can see those fonts on display.

做出选择并单击“ 查看”按钮后,此工具将显示建议的匹配Webkit字体的列表以及指向许多网站的链接,您可以在这些网站上看到这些字体。

类型配对学习工具 (Type Pairing Learning Tools)

The tools I’m going to list below are not only good for making great suggestions about typefaces that work well together. They also, and most importantly, give you bite-sized chunks of knowledge about type and how to match typefaces.

我将在下面列出的工具不仅可以很好地为字体配合使用提供很好的建议。 而且,最重要的是,它们还为您提供了一小部分有关类型以及如何匹配字体的知识。

类型连接 (Type Connection)

Type Connection

This is a favorite of mine. by calls itself a Typographic dating game.

这是我的最爱。 称自己为印刷约会游戏

It’s a highly interactive tool in the form of a dating game for finding great type pairings and learning about typography.


Type Connection starts with well-known typefaces looking for the right match. You’re the matchmaker who’s going to find the ideal partner using one of the strategies for combining typefaces. At each step of the way, you’ll learn something about the meaning of typographic terms, history of type, etc. Once the game is over, you’ll find out the reason why the match does or doesn’t work.

Type Connection从众所周知的字体开始寻找正确的匹配项。 您是媒人,他们将使用一种结合字体的策略来找到理想的合作伙伴。 在此过程的每个步骤中,您都将学到有关印刷术术语含义, 类型的历史等方面的知识。一旦游戏结束,您将找出匹配项起作用或不起作用原因

Its creator has condensed like this:


By playing Type Connection, you deepen your own connection with type.

通过玩Type Connection,您可以加深自己与Type的联系。

Don’t stop at the game, though. The Type Connection website is a treasure trove of typographic nuggets, including a summary of typeface combination strategies and tons of links to a variety of references about typography.

但是,不要停止游戏。 Type Connection网站是印刷字体的宝库,其中包括字体组合策略的摘要以及指向各种印刷参考的大量链接。

混合字体(PDF) (Mixing Typefaces (PDF))

U&lc PDF document on combining typefaces.

is a PDF copy of a page taken from (Upper and lower case), a historic publication targeting the design community.

是从 (大写和小写)中摘录的页面的PDF副本, 是针对设计社区的历史性出版物。

Pick a typeface on the vertical axis to the left for body copy and cross-reference it with a display typeface on the horizontal axis. The number inside the box at the intersection of the two typefaces indicates the degree of compatibility between them:

在左侧的垂直轴上选择一个字体以进行正文复制,并在水平轴上将其与显示字体交叉引用。 两种字体相交处的框内数字表示它们之间的兼容程度:

  1. Combine at will.

  2. Not a conservative choice.

  3. Think again.


混合字体的艺术 (The Art of Mixing Typefaces)

The Art of Mixing Typefaces infographic by FastPrint.

is a great infographic about combining Google Fonts created by , which takes inspiration from the U&lc document I listed above.


The information is conveyed using colors rather than numbers, but it works pretty much the same way.


字体组合的艺术 (The Art of Combining Fonts)

The Art of Combining Fonts infographic

is a fantastic infographic for learning a thing or two about type pairing … ah, it’s also fun to read.


混合和匹配字体 (Mixing and Matching Fonts)

Infographic on mixing and matching fonts by Fontaholic

is another beautiful infographic with some mini typography lessons baked in by Fontaholic.


印刷十诫 (The Ten Commandments of Typography)

The Ten Commandments of Typography infographic by DesignMantic

This by DesignMantic includes both examples of typeface combinations and excellent advice about typography.


在浏览器中预览和显示字体 (Previewing and Displaying Fonts in the Browser)

Before purchasing or downloading a font, it’s a good idea to test how it renders in the browser at different screen resolutions.


The online resources below do a good job at letting you preview your chosen fonts. Some of them will also help you include the fonts in your project.

下面的在线资源在让您预览所选字体方面做得很好。 其中一些还可以帮助您将字体包括在项目中。

Google字体预览和流媒体服务 (Google Fonts Preview and Streaming Service)

When you’re browsing a font on the Google Fonts library, you have various display options for previewing your selection.


You can:


  • Preview a single sentence, which is the default view:


    Google Fonts main screen

    Preview a single sentence, which is the default view:


  • Preview a single word:


    Preview of single word on Google Fonts website.

    Preview a single word:


  • Preview a paragraph:


    Preview of paragraph on Google Fonts website

    Preview a paragraph:


  • Preview an enlarged, poster-like display of your font:


    Preview of poster on Google Fonts website

    Preview an enlarged, poster-like display of your font:


  • Select different text for preview or enter your own:


    Changing text to display in Google Fonts website

    Select different text for preview or enter your own:


  • Increase and decrease the font size in your preview:


    Functionality to increase or decrease font size on Google Fonts website

    Increase and decrease the font size in your preview:


With a bit more digging, you’ll find that Google Fonts has a few additional options for previewing and testing your font selections.


Try adding a couple of fonts to a collection by clicking on the Add to Collection button.


Add to Collection button on Google Fonts website

I’ve added Droid Sans and Droid Serif to my collection for testing. Selecting from a type family with sans serif and serif variations is one of the safest bets when you’re just starting out.

我已将Droid Sans和Droid Serif添加到我的收藏夹中进行测试。 当您刚开始时,从带有无衬线和衬线变体的类型家族中进行选择是最安全的选择之一。

Once your fonts are inside a collection, you can:


  • Remove an individual font by clicking on the x icon next to it.


  • Remove all selected fonts by clicking on the Remove all families from Collection button.

    通过单击“ 从集合中删除所有系列”按钮来删除所有选定的字体

  • Test your selections in a variety of interactive ways by clicking on the Review button at the bottom of the screen.

    单击屏幕底部的“ 查看”按钮,以多种交互方式测试您的选择

Fonts added to a collection on Google Fonts website

Once you’re on the Review screen, click on the Test Drive option to put your selection to its paces.

进入“ 审阅”屏幕后,单击“ 测试驱动器”选项,以根据您的选择进行调整。

Test Drive option on Google Fonts website

From this screen you can test your typefaces for body text, headings and sub-headings, change font size, line height and other CSS properties, replace the existing content with your own, and more.


If this weren’t enough, you can test your selection further on Typecast by clicking the Try in Typecast option on the Review screen of the Google Fonts website. This will land you on the Typecast app, which I’m going to cover in the next section.

如果这还不够,您可以通过单击Google Fonts网站的“ 审阅”屏幕上的 尝试类型转换”选项,在“类型转换上进一步测试选择。 这将使您进入Typecast应用程序,我将在下一部分中介绍。

Link to Typecast on Google Fonts website.

Once you’re happy with your selection, you can painlessly include the fonts in your project using Google CDN (Content Delivery Network).

对选择感到满意后,您可以使用Google CDN(内容交付网络)轻松地将字体包括在项目中。

Start by clicking on the Use button at the bottom of the screen.

首先单击屏幕底部的“ 使用”按钮。

Use option to add Google Fonts chosen font to a project

From here you can fine tune your selection by picking the font styles and character sets you need. Stick to what you really need – the more styles and character sets you add the longer it takes for the files to load in the browser.

在这里,您可以通过选择所需的字体样式和字符集来微调选择。 坚持您真正的需求- 添加的样式和字符集越多,文件在浏览器中加载所需的时间就越长

Best of all, you can simply grab the code Google Fonts provides and paste it in your project, then let the service stream the fonts to your website.


Google Fonts providing relevant code for inclusion of fonts in a website

类型转换原型功能 (Typecast Prototyping Functionality)

offers an interactive canvas to design working prototypes. By creating a free account you can then export all the necessary HTML and CSS code for easy inclusion in your project.

提供了一个交互式画布来设计工作原型。 通过创建一个免费帐户,您可以导出所有必需HTML和CSS代码,以便轻松包含在您的项目中。

Interactive prototyping tool on Typecast website

By clicking inside any part of the text in the Typecast app you can do all sorts of stuff like:


  • Adding your own text content.

  • Changing typefaces.

  • Adjusting tons of CSS values like background color, color, font size, line height, etc.

  • Previewing your typefaces at different viewport sizes.

  • Checking how your text behaves on a baseline grid.


网络字体搅拌器 (Web Font Blender)

Web Font Blender website

is not as feature-rich as Typecast, but it’s got all you need to quickly mix and match typefaces from the Google Fonts library, edit the existing text, adjust CSS font values, and grab the code for a seamless integration with your project.

功能不如Typecast丰富,但是它具有快速混合和匹配Google Fonts库中的字体,编辑现有文本,调整CSS字体值以及获取代码以与您的应用程序无缝集成所需的全部功能。项目。

Adobe Typekit预览和Web字体流媒体服务 (Adobe Typekit Preview and Web Font Streaming Service)

Adobe Typekit website

Like Google Fonts, by Adobe lets you preview an impressive number of fonts and takes care of streaming your chosen fonts to your website for easy inclusion. No need for you to license each individual font.

与Google字体 ,Adobe的可以让您预览大量字体,并可以将所选字体流式传输到您的网站上,以便轻松收录。 无需您许可每种单独的字体。

Unlike Google Fonts, Typekit is a subscription-based service offering different pricing plans. You can give Typekit a try using the free subscription plan, which lets you choose from 940+ fonts for your website.

与Google字体不同,Typekit是一项基于订阅的服务,可提供不同的定价计划。 您可以使用免费订阅计划尝试Typekit,该计划可让您从940多种字体中选择适合您的网站。

You have a number of options for browsing fonts, including recommendations for headings and paragraphs, languages, type families, and more.


When you’re ready to preview a typeface, click on it. On the new screen you’ll be able to inspect its various weights and styles and to learn more about the font family and the foundry that created it.

准备预览字体时,请单击它。 在新屏幕上,您将能够检查其各种粗细和样式,并详细了解字体家族和创建它的铸造厂。

If you click on the Specimens tab, you’ll see a link to Open expanded Web Font Specimen. This link displays a screen where you can preview your chosen typeface at various sizes for body text and headings.

如果单击“ 标本”选项卡,您将看到“ 打开扩展的Web字体标本”的链接。 该链接显示一个屏幕,您可以在其中预览所选字体的各种大小的正文和标题。

Specimens tab on Typekit website

You can go further by clicking on the Type Tester tab, next to the Specimens tab. Now you can add your own text and preview your chosen typeface at different sizes using all its available weights and styles.

您可以通过单击“ 样本”选项卡旁边的“ 类型测试器”选项卡来进行进一步操作。 现在,您可以使用所有可用的粗细和样式,添加自己的文本并以不同的大小预览所选的字体。

Type Tester tool on the Typekit website

Once you’re ready to use a font or a selection of fonts on your website, click on the Use fonts button on the top right of the screen, then on the Web tab.

准备好在网站上使用一种字体或多种字体后,请单击屏幕右上方的“ 使用字体”按钮,然后单击“ Web”选项卡。

Using fonts on Typekit

Typekit uses kits as a way of including fonts in a web project. Here’s a short tutorial on how to create a kit. For a detailed one, head over to the .

Typekit使用工具包作为在Web项目中包括字体的方式。 这是有关如何创建工具包的简短教程。 有关详细信息,请转到 。

Start by clicking on the create a new kit link that you see in the image above.

首先,单击您在上图中看到的“ 创建新工具包”链接。

Next, a popup screen asks you to enter a name for your kit and your website’s domain. Go ahead and do so, then click on the Continue button.

接下来,一个弹出屏幕要求您输入工具包的名称和网站的域名。 继续执行操作,然后单击“ 继续”按钮。

Popup to add a new kit on Webkit

Cool, you’ve just created a kit!


To use the kit in your project, simply copy and paste the code Typekit gives you inside the <head> section of your HTML document. Then click the Continue button to access the next screen.

要在您的项目中使用该工具包,只需将Typekit给您的代码复制并粘贴到HTML文档的<head>部分中。 然后单击继续按钮以访问下一个屏幕。

Code to add Typekit fonts to your project

The final step is to select the font’s character set, weights and styles. Keep an eye on the kit size information at the bottom of the popup window – the more character sets, weights and styles, the more weight you’ll be adding to your web page.

最后一步是选择字体的字符集,粗细和样式。 请留意弹出窗口底部的工具包大小信息-字符集,粗细和样式越多,将添加到网页的粗细就越大。

If you want Typekit to take care of styling your typographic elements, enter the relevant CSS selectors in the input box at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can simply add the relevant CSS rules to your website’s stylesheet.

如果您希望Typekit照顾印刷元素的样式,请在页面顶部的输入框中输入相关CSS选择器。 或者,您可以简单地将相关CSS规则添加到网站的样式表中。

Publishing your kit using Typekit

When you’re done, go ahead and click Publish. Your website should display your chosen typefaces within minutes.

完成后,继续并点击发布 。 您的网站应在几分钟之内显示您选择的字体。

结论 (Conclusion)

This article has been all about online resources for picking great typeface combinations, previewing them and painlessly including them in your project.


Keep in mind that you can use more than one of these tools together. For instance, you can find nice combos on Google Web Fonts Typography Project and try them out on Typecast.

请记住,您可以同时使用这些工具中的多个。 例如,您可以在Google Web Fonts Typography Project上找到不错的组合,然后在Typecast上试用它们。

For better learning results, have a read through these evergreen articles about combining typefaces:


  • by Jason Santa Maria

    贾森·圣玛丽亚(Jason Santa Maria)的

  • , by Tim Brown

    蒂姆·布朗(Tim Brown)

Can you suggest other resources for selecting and previewing typefaces? Hit the comment box below to share them with the community.

您可以建议其他资源来选择和预览字体吗? 点击下面的评论框,与社区分享。



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